Saturday, January 10, 2009

About myself

I woke up this morning, accompanied by a feeling of uneasiness - Only to realize that I have completely put the blog out of my mind and I was supposed to do it yesterday! I am sorry, Mr Derrick! I thought of concluding my week by writing them down in the study log last night...

Alright... Now I'll talk briefly about my background (Look at the watch - its 9.22am!). I was born into a medium-sized family of five members. I am the second child and the only boy in my family. My eldest sister is 21 this year and she is pursuing her law in UK, while my youngest sister is facing her UPSR . Working as a contractor, my father would drive all-day-long to many places just to supervise the construction site and meet his clients. He works flexible hours, though. My mother is different. She's a teacher in a Chinese primary school - albeit they should have called it a day when the lessons are over, working overtime is especially common with all piles of administrative works and files and what-not (excluding marking students' works)...

Hobbies wise, they are very important for me. Life in the student house comprises of merely surfing net in the house and sparing time for study, may be with occasional outing with friends. Very often would I allocate more time on my favourite activity - Drawing. I had since childhood learnt to draw and never been bored with it - I reminisced that my first art teacher was my late grandfather. He had this wonderful scrapbook of sketches of fishes and thus, my first object to scribble on the paper was all types of marine creatures. I loved dolphins when I was a child. As I was growing up, I started to adhere to cartoons like Tom & Jerry. It was then that I exposed myself to the animes - Japanese animation and was greatly inspired by their big-eyes anime figures. Now, I am used to the Japanese drawing styles and have always drawn figures with disproportionately big eyes.

Now I am going to conclude my week from 6/1 to 9/1. I actually missed the orientation on Monday so I shall ignore it (haha...). Last year, I was told that AUSMAT were assignments-oriented and it is true! I have received all the course outlines so far and every timetable in every subject is crammed with all the projects and presentations. Not to say feeling excited, but I really anticipate the coming coursework (despite the tests) - especially the movies-making ( but I've actually forgotten to do the study log as my first assignment...) ! Anyways, I have to be really honest that EALD is the promising subject for me... It gives me this subtle feeling that, although the future coursework are going to be abundant, it would be more fun and relaxing. =) By hook or by crook, it is not wrong to feel optimistic about the subject =D (when it is said to be pressurizing and what-not...)...

By the way, I have noticed a recurring phenomenon in my life ever since I was a secondary-school student. Every new-year plan is a false hope. An annual listing of tasks has always been done in my mind and so far, as I have flashed back, all the uncompleted plans are seemingly meant to be excused by the last day of the year. I know I like to procrastinate, even in study. Resorting to last-minute revision has been so normal to me (and maybe others). However, the usefulness of this method dies out as Year 2008 is over. With all the monthly tests ahead, I have now found difficulties to adjust back to daily studying - Nevertheless, I must try. This is a promise for myself.

Last year was a hard year for me. With all the obstacles i met, I once flinched. However, life is not all beers and skittles - Adhered to my Buddhist teachings, I would say life changes every second. I have gone through all the ups and downs in life and am ready for more. Anyways, I once again apologize because I have really forgotten doing the study log. I consider it as an empty promise but I will expect better of myself in the coming week. Anyways, it is never wrong to feel optimsitic about the future, isn't it?

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